Monday, July 15, 2019

Web Services

Web service?
What is web service?
If we expand the word "web service" then we understand that it is the service available on the http://internet.In a more technical language, web service is any piece of software that makes itself available over the internet and uses a standardized XML messaging system.
Did you understand?
Let's explain by taking an example. Consider that you went to a restaurant to have some lavish food. Now for your food to come, the chef present at the kitchen needs to know what you want to eat. This means a message much be sent from you to the kitchen. And then the food must be brought from Kitchen to You.
Who does this job?
A waiter.
Similarly, web service is a software used to communicate between two devices on a network. More precisely they can also be called the components which converts regular applications into web applications. Initially, structured programming developed which is an approach of writing the program in the form of structure. Here, the code is executed step by step i.e there is no facility of jumping from one code section to another. Then came object-oriented programming which is a programming language in which program is organized around data or objects, instead of functions and logic. Then developed distributed programming then came electronic data interchange, following world wide web, and finally came web service.
Hewlett-Packard's introduced e-speak in 1999 which was an enabler of services.
Microsoft proposed the name "web services" for services in http://2000.MS introduced the web service strategy and now every vendor is a player.
Web services have been offering benefits over other types of distributed computing architectures.
Standardized Protocol:
Web services use standardized protocol for communication which is advantageous as now there is a wide range of choice, reduction in cost, and increase in quality.
Low cost of communication:
Here, SOAP is used for communication instead of HTTP protocol. Now you can use your existing cheap internet to implement web services.
Web service sharing:
Nowadays, businesses have become more complex with each day. Hence, organizations use technologies such as EDI, B2B, Portals etc...for distributing computing. Web services support these services.
Support for other communication means:
Web services use SOAP over HTTP. Likewise, it can also be used over another reliable transport mechanism. Hence, it provides flexibility in communication by allowing you to choose whichever transport mechanism you wish to.
Automatic Discovery: Web services provide the facility for businesses to easily find their service http://providers.It also helps your customers to easily find your services.
Business opportunity:
It provides ease for new businesses to find their business partners.
To study web services we need to learn HTML and XML as
these two languages form the basic platform for web services.
XML is used to express complex messages between different platforms and programming languages
The HTTP protocol is the most common protocol used over internet.XML messages are carried over by using the HTTP protocol.
The elements of web service are:
1) SOAP(simple object access protocol)-It is a communication protocol to access a web service.SOAP is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks. Its purpose is to provide extensibility, neutrality, and independence .it is based on XML.
2) UDDI(universal description, discovery, and integration)-UDDI is a directory to locate available web service.UDDI is an XML-based standard for describing, publishing, and finding web -the &nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspServices Resources and Information. is a registry service for Web services and for other electronic and non-electronic services.
3) WSDL(web service description language)-WSDL is an XML-based file which basically tells the client application what the web service does.WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information.
Now, would you also like to learn the attributes of*Web Services*?
∆ These are application components.
∆ Communicates using open protocol
∆ * Self-describing
∆ Discovered by UDDI(directory)
∆ Used by other applications
∆ XML is the basis for web services
Web services have grown over the year and has eased a lot in the field of communication.
1)Web Services Tutorial 1 - What Are Web Services?
Written by: Parishmita Das

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